Friday, April 1, 2011

Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore

On the 27th of August 2007, dad, mum, my sister and I travelled on the plane to the capital of Vietnam which is Hanoi.
While in Vietnam we went to the water puppets show, travelled on the train to Sapa (which is in the rice hills), went on a 3 story house boat in Halong Bay (and jumped off the roof), went para-sailing on a vietnamese island, rode an elephant at a waterfall and went to the sand dunes.
We then travelled into Cambodia where we visited all the different temples, the biggest being Ankor Wat; where we saw a monkey steal a kids chuba-chubs and ate them, and my favourite being Tah Prong because it has really big trees that wind around the building. In cambodia dad went to the killing fields while mum, Jade and I went shopping.
Lastly on our way home we flew over to Singapore for 3 days. While staying here we went to Santosa Island; where we saw the pink Amazon river dolphins, the Singapore zoo and the bird park.
We arrived back home 5 weeks after on the 5th of October, 2007.

Watre puppets (Hanoi, Vietnam)

Rice hills (Sapa, Vietnam)

3 story boat (Halong Bay, Vietnam)

Riding elephants near the waterfall (Vietnam)

Trees at a temple (Tah Prong, Cambodia)

Pink Amazon River Dolphins (Sentosa Island, Singapore)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Malaysia, Thailand, Borneo

On the 28th of August 2008, my mum, dad, sister and I travelled on the plane to Kuala Lumpur (K.L), the capital of Malaysia.
While in Malaysia we visited The Twin Towers otherwise known as The Petronas Towers, the indoor roller coaster, watched the  bass jumping on the Monara tower, travelled on the bus around the city of K.L.
We then travelled to Kuching which is the capital of Sarawak, Borneo and Kota Kinabalu which is the capital of Sabah, Borneo. In Borneo we went on Uncle Tan's Jungle camp and saw Orang-utans and other monkeys and animals in the wild. We also went to the Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre.
Lastly, we went to the islands of Thailand; my favourite being Koh Samui. We ate coconut on the beach, rode an elephant, watched the Hawthorn vs. Geelong AFL Grand Final and rode jet ski's in the ocean.
We arrived back home 5 weeks later on the 3rd of October, 2008.

Petronas Towers (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Indoor Roller Coaster (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Bass Jumping from Monara Tower (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Orang-utan Rehabilitation Centre (Sarawak, Borneo)

Long tailed macaques (Sarawak, Borneo)

The beach outside our hotel (Koh Samui, Thailand)

Watching the AFL Grand Final (Koh Samui, Thailand)

Elephant we rode (Koh Lanta, Thailand)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Swimming Sports 2011

For the first time at Kurnai College we now have house colours at all the sports days. Yellow, Green, Blue and Red are the colours. Yellow was the favourite to win but unfortunately (because I was in yellow) they came last. Blue were the winners of the day and Green and Red following behind. Most people dressed up in their house colours on the day. There were a range of different costumes on the day; coloured hats, balls, balloons, jumpers, swimmers, t-shirts, pants, zinc (with some people being completely covered), feather bowers, wigs, nails, sunglasses, over sized sunglasses, skirts, floatation devices, headbands and even beards. It was really cold on the day so there was lots of people that didn't enter events. Halfway through it started to rain and everyone ducked for cover. All in all it was a pretty fun day.

Blue were the winners

Justin and Shelley in blue

Girls from Morwell dressed in blue

Caitlin, Kayla, Jemma and Kaitlyn all in red

Group of people in red

Dressed in red

Sophie and Lani in green

Abby in Green

More people in Green

Cedar, Amber, Meg and Ainsley in Yellow

Group of Yellow girls

Meg and kaity in Yellow

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lara as a dog

This week I’m doing a follow up for my first blog on Lara when she was a puppy. This time I’m going to write about her as she is now which is quite the bit bigger.
We've had Lara for about 2 and a half years now and she's still as cute as ever. She's changed so much in such short time. She now has little (and some not so little) black spots on her nose that she didn't used to have. She has grown an enourmous amount; she used to fit in her hands but now my sister Jade can't even lift her up. She loves to always be with someone and we think she has a separation problem with mum, everywhere mum goes Lara's there too. She is scared of thunder and recently ran off and we couldn't find her for 4 days. Luckily we got her back though. She still loves water and the bubbles from running water and also the embers from fires.

Lara slabbed out on the couch inside

Max (James' dog) and Lara

Lara at the fire when we were camping

Lara eating Christmas dinner

Also Lara eating Christmas dinner

Lara chasing bubbles in the rapids where we were camping

Friday, February 25, 2011

Morwell River Falls

Last Sunday the 20th of February Chloe, mum and I went for a drive to Morwell River falls; which is out the back of Boolarra. We walked for the first waterfall right around to the bottom. To get to the first waterfall we had to go down a big mud slope without slipping over. When we got to the first waterfall I climbed up the side of it while Chloe and mum waited at the bottom for me to come down. I got to the top and realised it was to hard to climb down so they walked all the way around to get me. We were taking photos at the top of the waterfall and I looked over at Chloe and she slipped over onto her bum; I laughed so hard. We then walked around to the bottom falls and on the way mum slipped down the little hill and Chloe and I laughed at her. All in all we had a pretty fun day :)

The first waterfall; the one I climbed

Lara at the second waterfall

The first lot of rapids (before mum fell over)

The second lot of rapids (after mum fell over)

Me and Chloe at Morwell River falls

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lara as a puppy

I got Lara when she was only a 5 week old puppy in May 2008. The first time we saw her (which was in lara; thats how she got her name) we thought she was the cutest thing. So tiny she could fit in our hands. her birthday is on April 3rd so she is nearly 3 years old. On rainy days she would go play in the drain and get all muddy and then wanted to come inside on the new carpet. When we had cows she used to go into the paddock and chase them until one day they weren't scared of her anymore so they chased her.

This was her after we brought her home from Melbourne

This was right after she played in the drain

She was so small she could fit in Jade's school bag

She acted like a little baby