Monday, March 7, 2011

Lara as a dog

This week I’m doing a follow up for my first blog on Lara when she was a puppy. This time I’m going to write about her as she is now which is quite the bit bigger.
We've had Lara for about 2 and a half years now and she's still as cute as ever. She's changed so much in such short time. She now has little (and some not so little) black spots on her nose that she didn't used to have. She has grown an enourmous amount; she used to fit in her hands but now my sister Jade can't even lift her up. She loves to always be with someone and we think she has a separation problem with mum, everywhere mum goes Lara's there too. She is scared of thunder and recently ran off and we couldn't find her for 4 days. Luckily we got her back though. She still loves water and the bubbles from running water and also the embers from fires.

Lara slabbed out on the couch inside

Max (James' dog) and Lara

Lara at the fire when we were camping

Lara eating Christmas dinner

Also Lara eating Christmas dinner

Lara chasing bubbles in the rapids where we were camping

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